Must-haves for the wine lover
Stoppers never stop
Stoppers never get old for any wine enthusiast, since they have several bottles in their kitchen and cellar at all times. Go for a chic and sleek stopper — one they can use for years. If you want to get more personal, there are tons of ways to customize and personalize stoppers — you can even buy them a stopper with adjustable dates to keep track of when they opened the bottle. If they are big entertainers, make sure the stoppers are distinguishable from one another. Explore your options and find the set that fits your friend the best.
Chances are the wine enthusiasts on your list already have a rack or cellar of their own, but they may not have one that’s portable and practical. Extra space and organization is always a sure bet when it comes to gifts. The marketplace has a variety of mini racks and wine hammocks that are perfect for setting on the kitchen counter to keep the month’s or party’s wine on hand. It’s always nice to see the wine options as you’re cooking — it could also inspire meals.
Wine and dine plates
There’s always that awkward moment at parties when someone is fumbling to balance their plate and full glass of wine. For the wine enthusiast on your list who likes to entertain, search for a set of lightweight plates specifically designed to hold small appetizers that balance effortlessly on top of average-sized wine glasses. It avoids so many accidents, and the practicality of these plates will delight the lucky recipient for years.
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Technology meets wine
For the wine enthusiast with a sense of humor and love of technology, find an accessory for their tablet or computer that incorporates wine. There are laptop and tablet covers available made completely of recycled wine corks — talk about protection. For the person with computer storage issues, invest in a USB stick that incorporates material from an old cork.