How to find deals on handmade goods

indie for less

Are you addicted to handmade goods and indie shops? Learn how to find incredible deals on indie goods online. We scoured the web for four of the best places to save money on handmade accessories, decor and gifts.

Handmade goods and accessories add instant style to your home and wardrobe. They’re fun to shop for and it feels great to support independent artisans. But how do you find deals when there’s no sales rack to sift through? These four sales sites offer huge discounts on great handmade goods.


When you’re shopping for cute accessories like jewelry, scarves and bracelets, it’s hard to beat the prices at GroopDealz. The site has a simple concept, with sales that run for one to two days. Shop directly through the site and receive the goods from the seller. Shipping is often free. The site is free to use, and you can opt to receive daily emails or no emails at all. Visit often for incredible savings on stylish shoes and clothes for kids. We love how many gift options are available for less than $10.

Sassy Steals

Featuring boutique goods, Sassy Steals offers a variety of limited sales each day. Discounts are ultra-deep and shipping costs are reasonable. While you’ll need to wait a little for your goods to arrive, it’s hard to beat the prices. Any given day’s deals range from glittery jewelry to quirky papercrafts. Great for boosting your wardrobe with a dose of indie appeal, Sassy Steals makes it very easy to save money on a variety of cute items. Look for new inventory regularly and be prepared for major temptation.

Pick Your Plum

Pick Your Plum takes direction from the popular electronics sales site Woot and offers a single deal a day. While you can’t spend a lot of time browsing for the perfect gift, you can find amazing savings on items that were carefully curated by the Pick Your Plum team. Perfect for crafters, the goods offered at Pick Your Plum vary from accessories to the craft items needed to make your own amazing handmade goods. Keep an eye on it if you’re into sewing, scrapbooking and adorable handmade goods.


Like Groupon, VeryJane lets shoppers know exactly how many items are left. This kind of crowdshopping can be very motivating, though perhaps a little rough on impulse shoppers. The deals are incredible and the boutiques participating offer a huge variety of styles. We found soft maxi skirts, hair bows for infants and modern geometric jewelry in a quick browse. Learn more about sellers before you buy with helpful links to Etsy shops and other independent boutiques. Check frequently for updated boutiques and deep discounts on indie goods.

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