Gifts for the chocolate lover


For the chocolate lover and reader

For the chocolate lover who also loves a little taste of history and reading, go to your local bookstore or hop on the internet and order a few books relating to the history of chocolate (there are tons). Throw in a few chocolate-related classics also, like Chocolat and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Put them in a box and for a packing peanuts substitute, use their favorite type of chocolate. Your thoughtfulness once they dig for their books through hundreds of M&Ms won’t go unnoticed.


For the chocolate lover and drink enthusiast

We all have those friends who love to responsibly sip on cocktails a little more than the rest of us. Search the internet for a great chocolate-inspired drink recipe and buy them the alcoholic ingredients. Wrap it up with two personal glasses and the recipe and you’ll have their holiday and chocolate taste buds in sweetness heaven.


For the chocolate lover and vegan

Yes, it’s possible to be both. Whether your friend has been vegan for years, considering the diet leap or is currently dealing with first withdrawals of no dairy, people will love this. Visit your local health food markets and search the aisles for dairy-free vegan chocolate. Shop around and find a variety to fill up a little vegan chocolate lover care package to satisfy your healthy friend’s sweet tooth.


For the chocolate lover and travel enthusiast

You can travel the world with a simple taste of chocolate. The art of making chocolate isn’t a method, it’s an art, and this art varies by country and sometimes even regions. Put together a little tour of the world when picking out a chocolate goodie box for your friends. Do some light research on perhaps their favorite destinations and incorporate those into your custom picks. Tip: Belgium and Germany are a must on your chocolate tour.

For the chocolate lover and patriot

There will be a few Americans on your list (maybe 48%) who are still a little sour about the presidential election results. For these, show them that America still has plenty of sweetness to offer. Research a few of the best chocolate makers in your state, or maybe have a few shipped from New York City or Chicago  — there are plenty of American gourmet chocolate makers that need to be tasted. Your patriotic friend will appreciate it, and there is no better way to cure any sort of blues.

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