Eliminate last-minute holiday shopping stress

Avoid mall rage

If you aren’t done with your Christmas shopping yet, don’t stress out. Follow these tips to avoid mall rage and make your holiday shopping experience a little easier.

Give yourself some time

Don’t head to the mall just an hour before it closes. Being short on time will cause you stress that you just don’t need. “Don’t attempt to wrap up your final shopping in a time crunch,” says Carole Townsend, nationally syndicated columnist and author of Southern Fried White Trash. “As hard as it is in the home stretch, allow yourself a time ‘cushion’ for finding parking, standing in lines and wandering aimlessly looking for gift ideas.”

Don’t expect rock-bottom prices

If you’re looking for the hottest toys or latest gadgets, don’t expect to find huge bargains. “At this stage of the game, consider a sale or clearance price a bonus,” says Townsend. “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

Buy gift cards

Gift cards are convenient presents that can be enjoyed by almost anyone on your gift list. “Teenagers love them, and so do older folks — especially if you know their favorite stores,” Townsend says.

Stay home

You still don’t have shop in stores. Even with just a few days left until Christmas, you have plenty of opportunities to shop online instead. To make sure your gifts arrive in time, find shipping schedules at your favorite online retailers’ websites.

More holiday shopping tips

How to curb overspending during the holidays
8 tips for savvy holiday shopping
Best shipping times during the holiday season


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