6 Skin-care secrets from Hollywood starlets

Ah, celebrities… They glow with makeup. They glow without makeup. Basically, they have the skin any girl would die to be in, including us! But how do they do it? Well, we made it our mission to find out.

Shh, don’t tell!



Yep, we know. It sounds so simple, right? But think about it: How often do you remember to slather on sunscreen during the winter or when you’re not planning on hitting up a body of water? Chances are, not nearly as often as you should. Celebs, on the other hand, are super strict with their SPF. C’mon, they’re being stalked by the paparazzi, and their job is to basically look good all the time. So of course they don’t forget to apply sunscreen daily (or reapply it throughout the day, for that matter).


Chemical peels

While we’re convinced a lot of celebrities were just blessed with seriously great genetics (they were!), most have to work pretty darn hard to keep their skin in tip-top shape. According to licensed esthetician and nutritionist Elise May of The Skin Nutritionist, stars rely on regular chemical peels to maintain that gorgeous glow. “The right ones will leave you feeling refreshed and not red or irritated,” she explains. “They stimulate collagen and elastin growth (the proteins that hold up our skin and make it firm) and encourage new cells to generate.” The good news is, chemical peels are very accessible to the general public and can range in price from $80 to $130 per session, with visits as often as once per month.


Beauty sleep

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard A-listers state more than a few times that beauty sleep is the key to their flawless skin. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow swears by it, and Jennifer Lopez credits her glowing complexion to a good eight hours a night. So if you weren’t already, get some sleep, girl!


Dermaplaning (or shaving your face)

Shelley Goodstein, a 48-year-old Ford model and the author of Face This, always books jobs at least 10 years younger than her age. Her secret to achieving younger looking skin? Sunscreen and shaving her face at least once or twice a month! “Celebrities do a very similar procedure called dermaplaning that costs hundreds of dollars,” she says. “You can do it yourself with a 99-cent razor. The benefits are many. Your hair won’t grow back thicker or darker, and not only will you exfoliate your skin and stimulate new collagen production, your foundation will glide on and fine hairs won’t become trapped with powder.”


Laser skin rejuvenation

A-list stars like Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston have long turned to laser skin rejuvenation to reverse years of sun damage and signs of aging. It can also help fade scars, reduce fine lines, improve your complexion and get rid of those pesky little liver spots.



Simply stated, stars have it, and you don’t. We kid, we kid! Seriously, though, your skin-care regimen is only as good as the time you take to put into it. Celebrities commit themselves to proper eating around the clock, exercising and slathering on the beauty products that will benefit their skin. They’re never not on their game, if you know what we mean…

More beauty tips

Skin boot camp: The 4-week solution
Daily skin-care regimen for the lazy girl
Can your makeup look influence people’s perception of you?


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