Skin savers for your 30s

Save your skin

Aging happens. That doesn’t mean you have to look your age! We asked leading dermatologists to share their tips and tricks for saving your skin in your 30s.

Consistent skin-care routine

You may have skated through your 20s with an inconsistent approach to skin care, but now that you’re in your 30s, it’s time to get serious. Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, assistant clinical professor at Yale University School of Medicine, explains that the first signs of aging usually appear in your 30s. “In addition to fine lines, skin is also drier and duller in color as the rate of cellular turnover decreases with age.” Baby your skin by cleansing, moisturizing and protecting it on a daily basis. That’s right — no more hitting the pillow without washing your face first!

Eye cream

Years of sun exposure, squinting, smiles and laughter (in other words, a life well lived) may be starting to show in the eye area. If you haven’t yet started using an eye cream, now is the time. Dr. Howard Murad, founder of Murad Inc., recommends using an eye cream with a broad-based SPF during the day to protect against both UVA and UVB radiation, and a hydrating/moisturizing eye cream in the evening.


The eye area isn’t the only place that needs sun protection. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen (UVA and UVB protection) with a minimum SPF of 30 to your face, ears, neck and chest every day. Choose a moisturizer that contains SPF so you’re simplifying your morning routine with a product that does double duty.


Choose a serum with powerful antiaging ingredients like hyaluronic acid and kinetin, such as Dr. LeWinn by Kinerase Lift & Resculpt Serum XK. Apply the serum daily after cleansing to firm and smooth your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Stuart Kaplan recommends TCA (trichloroacetic acid) or glycolic peels to help treat pigmentation and fine lines and to help maintain your skin’s youthful appearance. Schedule chemical peels with your dermatologist or try an at-home kit.


Talk to your dermatologist about laser therapy, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. “A deep resurfacing session with the Pearl Fractional laser can provide long-term reduction of fine lines and wrinkles for a youthful appearance,” says Alexiades-Armenakas.


Skin-cell turnover slows down as you enter your 30s and 40s. Dr. Peggy Fuller of Esthetics Center for Dermatology in Charlotte, North Carolina, recommends counteracting the aging process with topical retanoids such as Retin-A to enhance skin turnover, prevent fine lines and improve wrinkles.


Buff away that top layer of dull, dry skin with microdermabrasion. “Getting a monthly facial or a microdermabrasion can bring great benefits to the skin, such as tightening pores and evening out the skin tone,” explains dermatologist Dr. Marina Peredo, owner of Spatique Medical Spa in Smithtown, NY, and associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.


Go to bed early! “So many American women don’t sleep,” says Dr. Peggy Fuller. “I recommend eight hours in bed every night. Even if you’re not sleeping, at least you’re resting. It will show in your face.

More skin-care tips

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