Accessorize him: Must-have accessories for every man

Move over, ladies! Accessories are not just for you, anymore. Men love them, too, and these are our top picks for them.

Cadet cap


You’re not in college anymore, guys. Ditch the baseball caps, already! We like fedoras, straw hats and more, but we love these cadet hats! They’re like a grown-up version of your beloved ball caps. This brown canvas cap from Old Navy (OldNavy, $15) is a great example. It looks worn and comfortable, but it’s still adult enough for man in his 30s.



Sunglasses are a necessity to protect your eyes from the sun’s blinding rays, but they have to look great, too. Aviator glasses are extremely popular right now, and we like the Carrera Sunglasses from PacSun (PacSun, $15). The polished black and wood-grain frames give them a unique look, though they still boast that style we love.

Leather belt


Just one belt isn’t going to be enough to cut it for most guys. They need a black one, a brown one, one for dress and one for casual — at least! This classic brown leather belt from Levi’s (Macys, $35) is a great one to get him started. It works for casual dress, and it would look fab around a pair of jeans or khakis.

Fossil watch


He’s got places to go and people to see, right? Make sure he knows whether he’s running on time with a good-looking watch on his wrist. The black Retro Traveler watch from Fossil (Nordstrom, $155) is one of our favorites because of its distinctive black-metal look. This is a watch that can suit the style of almost any guy, and it can do it from the office to the court to date night.


It’s a bag. It’s a purse. It’s a man purse, or a “murse.” Call it what you want, but guys need one these days. Guys today have a lot to carry, from phones to tablets and e-readers to all the chargers that go with those gadgets — plus all the other awesome fashion accessories we’ve mentioned here! Make sure they have one nice bag to carry it all in. The bag they choose will depend a lot on their style. Choose from shoulder bags to messengers and backpacks. We like the look of the Bag Home Again by Kenneth Cole Reaction (eBags, $59). Its sturdy and distressed shell gives it a manly look, which is probably his No. 1 consideration when choosing a man bag.

Kenneth Cole Bag

Tell Us:

What’s the No. 1 accessory you think every man should have? Tell us in the comments section below!

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