Sneaky ways to look like you’ve lost weight in all your photos


Don’t stand in the middle

Why? Because when you stand on the side, PR Director at Overit Liz Grimes says you can actually use your friend’s body to conceal some of yours. “The other person will typically have no idea what you’re doing, all the while helping you to appear super skinny in the photo.” Put your outside hand on your hip and turn your body at a slight angle, sliding in close next to her. Then, of course, flash your best (or sexiest!) smile.


Remember: Angles are everything

Speaking of angles, according to seasoned boudoir photographer Jennifer Bardot, you can literally lose 10 pounds just by changing your angle! “Stand up straight in front of a full length mirror with your legs hip-width apart. Now pick a leg and shift your weight onto it,” she directs. “Notice how all of a sudden the planes of your body break up in a more flattering fashion? Well, the same holds true for your face. Very few people can face a camera dead on and have it look good.” If you’re snapping a selfie, Jennifer recommends assuming a slight head tilt position (as if you were checking your makeup out in a mirror), and hold your camera a little higher than your face slanted at about 10 degrees.


Get your light right

Ever stood in a dressing room horrified, only to walk into the next store and feel on top of the world? That’s because lighting is essential to creating a pretty portrait, points out Jennifer. “Seek out low contrast situations. One simple way to determine if you’re in one is to check for shadows,” she says. “If there are harsh ones, it’s probably not the best scenario. As a general rule of thumb for inside photos, bear in mind that fluorescents aren’t your friend. Look for warmer light sources, such as traditional bulbs,” she advises.


Don’t just dangle your arms

Turns out, this can make them look thicker than they actually are, warns professional photographer Elizabeth Putsché of Jason Putsché Photography. “This is particularly true if you’re wearing a sleeveless top, so kick your elbow out a few inches from your body to help thin your arms,” she suggests.


Lean forward

Never back! And always suck in your tummy, instructs Grimes. “Pushing your butt out behind you a bit and your shoulders down, while leaning forward, is an easy way to ensure flattering photos.”

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