Find the best online shopping site for your personality

is your shopping style?

There are some actions that define who we are. Like the way we greet people. Is it with a single kiss, a faux European double, a solid bear hug, a firm handshake or a limp wet fish flipping of the wrist? These actions speak more about who we are than what we say once we’ve slobbered or slapped them.

The same can be said for our shopping style. How we hunt, gather and collect our clothing is an even more definitive expression of who we are than the clothes themselves.

Are we the discount diva? The thrift shop forager? The luxe latest season labels lover? The sartorial thrill seeker? Or something completely different?

Fortunately, capitalism and technology have created websites to cater to our unique personality styles, making the act of shopping almost as satisfying as the purchase itself. Not sure which category you fall under? Follow my simple Shopping Personality Test and uncover the secret shopping style and the latest websites that cater to your every whim. Now that’s what I call retail therapy.


The “I get bored easily” shopper

Nothing is more exciting than the UPS guy delivering your latest fashion acquisition. Yep, shopping is not just a sport — it’s a way of life. You have always had a love of anything new — be it a new guy, new job or a new bag — and get bored with the status quo.

Website that’s compatible for you: With a fresh deal every day, you get to “peeq” at the price, and the longer it takes for the item to sell out, the cheaper it gets. Nothing boring about that.


The high fashion

You grew up on a diet of Vogue, and while you’ve always looked like a million dollars, you are clever enough to not have to spend it to do so. A go-getter, you have laser focus when you truly, madly, deeply want something. This extends to career, men, and yes, shoes and bags!

Website compatible for you: Louboutins for $18! No it’s not a typo! The adrenaline-fueled site is the first luxury online auction website of its kind and features brand new, current season designer bags and shoes by Balenciaga, Prada, Louboutin and Chloe for 95 percent off retail. Pre-purchase a bid package to participate in the auction. Then be the last person to bid and you win. I can feel your heart racing…


The Mr. Right
Now shopper

Commitment is not your favorite word. After all, why stick with the same old anything when there’s a world filled with new exciting things you haven’t tried before that could be a perfect fit.

Website compatible for you: A free membership-based website that rents high-end designer apparel and accessories for that special occasion, for about 10 percent of their retail value. Designers like Badgley Mischka, Vera Wang and Calvin Klein. So you can be Cinderella for a night — you just have to remember to return the dress before you turn into a pumpkin.


The sentimental individual

Just because it’s not ‘this season’ doesn’t mean it’s not a treasure. In fact, you find vintage pieces of fashion all the more charming and valuable because they’re not for sale on every site. You have a finessed eye and immediately know when you’ve stumbled across something of high quality that’s timeless and beautiful… just like you.

Website compatible for you: This high-end consignment store features picks for some seriously stylish wardrobes and sells them for a fraction of their original price. Make sure it’s the correct size and in good condition and you’ve got yourself a treasure.


The free spirited thrifter

You love going to music festivals and Kate Moss has your dream closet. Your taste in boyfriends and fashion is highly individual and you’ve picked both up in the strangest of places. You don’t mind digging through the rubble to find the diamond in the rough.

Website compatible for you: This site likes to think of itself as the coolest girl in the room‚ pulling off wild and wonderful looks. It’s stocked with a dizzying array of handpicked vintage pieces and new items with a retro vibe.


The loyal shopper

You like being part of a club and have the small, close-knit group of friends that you’ve had since you were little. You know what you like and are loyal, but you’re open-minded and unafraid of trying new things, as long as it’s well vetted.

Website compatible for you: This shoe-of-the-month club brings out super cute, affordable footwear for you to select and stock your wardrobe with.


The latest & greatest lover

You are a pop culture hound and know what’s hot and what’s not before anyone. You know exactly which celebs are dating, what they’re wearing and where they’re hanging out. Maybe that’s because deep down you know you’re a bit of a celeb too and you know how to dress the part.

Website compatible for you: This fashion website literally sells the shirts off celebs’ backs. Instead of the traditional catalog models, they feature countless pap shots of celebs wearing the exact clothes they’re selling. Kim K. wore it this morning and you can wear it this afternoon!


The status queen

Forget sneaking into Victoria Beckham’s wardrobe; she’d probably like to sneak into yours. You have all of the essential design classics and always dress to impress. For you, fashion is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Your image is your business and business is good.

Website compatible for you: If money is no object, this site’s vast, lust-worthy collection of designer clothes and accessories comes direct from the runway to ensure you look expensively dressed and ready to outstyle anyone, anywhere, anytime.


The connoisseur

Your understanding of fashion is deeper than what’s simply ‘in’ or ‘out’ of season. You understand that true style never goes out of fashion and you invest in a few select items of clothing and pieces of jewelry that last a lifetime.

Website compatible for you: The high prices might bring on a nosebleed, but the collection of estate jewels and vintage haute couture clothing is as close to museum quality as you’re likely to get on the net.

More shopping and style

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