Black Friday by the numbers

Woman overloaded with shopping bag

According to the National Retail Federation, approximately 226 million shoppers spent an estimated $52.4 billion during the four-day Thanksgiving weekend last year in stores and on websites.

Spending green on Black Friday

The National Retail Federation survey also indicates that spending increased from last year. The average shopper last year spent $399, up $34 from the previous year. Shoppers also spent on average $150 more online shopping. That’s a lot of green!

Black Weekend?

Black Friday is starting earlier and earlier every year. This year, many major retailers are opening at midnight, and a handful of popular stores are opening their doors at 9 p.m. or earlier. And it’s profitting those stores because almost a quarter of shoppers last year headed out to Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving night.

Five ways to improve your Black Friday experience >>

Don’t sleep in late

The increased use of tablets and mobile devices last year (nearly 38%) means more shoppers have compared prices and researched the best deals. Their shopping day is more efficient and focused thanks to these devices. This year the earliest shopper will get the best loot.

Hates and hints

A recent study released by Ford Motor Vehicles says that, of all the issues to hate about Black Friday, traffic jams, longer commutes and parking woes cause the most stress. Do your research before shopping on Black Friday. If the stores aren’t offering items that are on your shopping list, don’t be tempted; just stay home. You are sure to find more deals on Cyber Monday and right up until Christmas.

Five reasons to stay home on Black Friday >>

More about Black Friday

Finding the best deals on Black Friday
Black Friday shopping strategies
Black Friday shopping tips


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