Best times to shop during the holidays

Woman Christmas shopping

The do’s

Weekdays will, hands down, be considerably less busy than the weekends. With a majority of people either at work or at school, you may actually be able to walk through the malls and stores.

If you want the best possible conditions, shoot for a morning shopping trip. Take a day or two off work this month, or even just a morning, and knock off your entire Christmas list then and there. This will be your best chance to have the least hectic experience possible.

If you absolutely can’t get even a morning off, sacrifice your lunch break one day and make a run to the mall to grab a few things on your list. This will only work if you’re somewhat close to the mall or a desired store, and you should be prepared and know exactly what you need in order to get in and out.

The don’ts

Do not, at any cost, go to the mall on the weekend. A weekend at the mall is bad enough other times of the year. Add holiday shoppers into the mix, and we guarantee you nothing on your list is worth the traumatic experience. With everyone off work, out of school and on a mission, prepare to spend numerous unpleasant hours at a jam-packed mall if you save your shopping for these days.

For all of you out there taking procrastination to the next level and waiting to do their shopping until Christmas Eve, consider this your warning. You may be thinking to yourself, “Everyone else will already be done, so there won’t be any lines.” Think again. Spend your Christmas Eve with friends and family instead of the last-minute crowds at the mall.

If you don’t want to deal with any kind of crowd at all, shop online! Online shopping has definitely grown over the years, and we see more online-exclusive deals than ever. So grab your hot chocolate and favorite blanket and park it on the couch with your laptop. Shopping has never been so relaxing.

More holiday shopping tips

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