Beauty by the bottle: Cheers to 2 beer treatments

DIY beauty

Pour a tall one,
or two!

With all the harvest ales out this season, you’re bound to find a few you like to drink. But you can also use your favorite beer for an at-home, spa-like treatment for your hair and face.

Not only is beer good for building body in your hair, but it may also help keep acne under control. For your hair: The malt and hops found in beer are loaded with protein and act as a “body builder” for your hair, leaving it looking fuller and more lush. For your face: If your skin is no stranger to a breakout, you can make a great mask with beer. Hops in beer may act as an astringent, and it’s said that the yeast helps to maintain a balanced pH level, helping to keep acne at bay.

Check out these two easy DIY treatments for beer shampoo and a beer face mask. Open a bottle to make the shampoo, and then use the rest for a wonderful face mask.

DIY beer shampoo


  • 1 cup mild shampoo
  • 1/4 cup beer
  • 1 large, clean shampoo bottle, or glass or plastic container (you could also use a few small ones)



Pour the beer into a saucepan and boil over high heat.


Allow the beer to cool, and then add the mild shampoo to it and mix well.


Use a funnel to pour the beer shampoo into your container and use for your next shampoo.

DIY beer face mask

This mask is a bit runny, but it dries when you put it on your face. There will be enough here for at least two masks. Share with a friend or place the extra in an airtight container and refrigerate. Use within a day or two, making sure to whisk it before using it.

Take a note

Before applying the mask to your face, first test it on your inner arm, where you skin is more sensitive, to help ensure you can tolerate the ingredients. Wash your face to remove any dirt or makeup, dry thoroughly, and then apply the mask starting from the chin and working your way up, avoiding your eyes.


  • 1 tablespoon beer
  • 1 tablespoon plain yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract



Add all the ingredients to a medium-sized bowl and whisk them together until incorporated.


Pull your hair away from your face and apply the mixture to clean, damp skin. Find a spot where you can relax with the mask on your face for about 15 minutes. Gently wash off the mask with warm water, either in the shower or with a soft cloth, and then splash it with cold water.

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