Quick morning after beauty fixes with his products
You wake up in a cute guy’s bed, eyeliner smudged, hair a mess and with a hangover that hurts so bad you think your head might explode.
Sleepover chic
You want to freshen up fast before last night’s hottie arises, but yikes, the only beauty products you’ve got to work with are the ones in his bathroom. So what do you do? We consulted a few experts to find out!
Messy bed head
Most men have some sort of wax, clay or pomade, which can be great for ladies as well, says stylist Erica Birdoes of Prive Salon Los Angeles. Sneak into his bathroom and apply any one of these products to the ends of your own mane to create a sexy, beachy look that’s absolutely ideal for bed head. “Flip your hair over and shake it out, while pulling the ends and adding in product at the same time. Then use the remainder of the product in your hand to smooth any fly-aways,” she advises.
Morning breath
Any respectable, hygienic dude surely owns a tube of toothpaste (and if he doesn’t, well, you should probably book it out of his place ASAP, but that’s a whole other story). Anyway, we digress… According to celebrity makeup artist Tara Loren, simply squirt some toothpaste onto your finger, dab it in your mouth to freshen up breath and rinse and spit. Now you’re ready to play tonsil hockey all over again!
Raccoon eyes
Does last night’s mascara look like a total hot mess? Don’t fret — there are plenty of ways to refresh your face stat. First, you can squeeze a pea size amount of his shampoo or lotion onto a Q-tip to completely remove crusty eye makeup, suggests Tara. Or if he owns ChapStick, celebrity makeup artist Julie Tussey of Angelo David Salon says this will also do the trick. Put a little ChapStick onto a Q-tip, wet the Q-tip, and then dab it underneath the eyes to clean up.
Greasy hair
This is when your guy’s baby powder really comes in handy! Use it to soak up excess oil in your hair and to add lift to your roots, recommends Tara. Also sweep lightly over your face to decrease shine (if you can’t find a cotton ball, just use a small ball of toilet paper, she says).
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