Costume shopping: Where to find the most unusual Halloween costumes

Custom costumes for Halloween

Unique costume ideas

Costume competitions thrive on the most creative and unique costumes. The hardest part is coming up with a costume that isn’t a duplicate of everyone else at the party. If you’re struggling to find inspiration for your costume this year, we’ve come to help. Here’s a list of the best places to find unique Halloween costumes this year.

Every fruitful search starts on the Internet. boasts a “dare to be different” attitude and definitely delivers with their costumes. They’ve amassed a collection of intricate and unique costumes for men and women that would win any costume competition. Find a favorite, like this Ring Master Deluxe costume, and shock everyone with the best costume idea.


This online superstore gives you one-of-a-kind products for reasonable prices. If you’re looking for a unique Halloween costume, this is where you need to look. You can get full costumes or unique accessories to create your own costume magic. VintiqueVixen is a great place to start because they have beautiful costumes like this mermaid costume, for a reasonable price.

Thrift stores

Once you’ve exhausted all online options, go to your local thrift stores for amazing costume ideas. They’ve got a corner on vintage and unique, with variety galore. Some have excellent Halloween sales going on right now, but if they don’t have exactly what you’re looking for in their costume section, browse the aisles for inspiration. We promise you’ll find unique gems at any thrift store. Buffalo Exchange is a great chain of thrift stores across the country where you could start your search.

Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft

The best way to ensure that your costume is unique and original is to make it yourself. If you have the perfect idea for a costume but can’t seem to find it anywhere, head to Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft. There is a huge selection of all types of fabrics to choose from, at a great price. You can even find unique patterns for your costume if you need a little help putting it together.

Your very own home

You know all those clothes you bought because they were trendy? And then they looked ridiculous on you? Those are perfect Halloween costumes! Throw together the outfits you never dared to wear in public and wear them proudly on Halloween night. Search your closet and your storage for the most horrendous combination and we guarantee you will come up with a winning Halloween costume that no one else will have. The best part? It’s free!

More Halloween costume ideas

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How to make your own Halloween costume
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